Whatsapp : +62 878-6874-0033 | +6281375143400
Edu Prime School is a national plus school located in Medan, that stands up for Character Development and Soft Skills to prepare the students to well adapted in this 21st century. All of our learning method is a mix combined between Technology, Character Development and Soft Skills. Edu Prime School believe that education shouldn’t just be only about academic, but it should be a great combined between Character and Academic. Academic alone won’t create a leader in the Future which what is the next generation need.
The Children of Today are the Leaders of Tomorrow
The End Of Education IsCHARACTER
Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.The End Of Culture IsPERFECTION
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.The End Of Knowledge IsLOVE
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.The End of Wisdom isFREEDOM
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.Friday, 3rd March 2023 We are proud to announce the 2nd place winner of our graphic design c...
Pembukaan perdana kelas pelatihan komputer gratis oleh LKP SMILE yang merupakan salah satu program Yaya...
Hari Raya Idul Adha 1441 Hijriah tahun ini jatuh pada 31 Juli 2020.Disebut 'Hari Raya Haji' atau 'Lebar...
Clean school environment and free cigarette smoke
Our facility is equipped with high quality video surveillance
Our price tag will not disappoint your budget!
Located at the fastest evolving area in the city. Where everything is within 5 mins distance.
It takes place each year on April 21, the birthdate of Raden Adjeng Kartini (fondly referred to as...
Celebrating TEACHERS DAY along with the students is a great way to show gratitude and love to the teach...
The Happy Parents :)
Listen what the happy parrents say about Edu Prime School
Mama Noah
Kesan nya sih sir, sklh lah dah cukup oke secara akademik, saya suka guru2nya bs mendekat kan diri sm murid, sy pribadi suka dengn sklh nya
Mama Zia
Baik,menyenangkan ,bersih ,tapi suka bingung saran guru jangan keluar masuk ,tapi untuk pendidikan krakter anak acungkan jempol 👍👍👍
Mama Khrisma
Edu Prime School adalah sekolah yang menanamkan pendidikan berkarakter. Saya setuju dengan hal itu dimana anak saya Krishna mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik untuk karakternya disana. Mereka lebih menanamkan budi pekerti serta kasih sayang dalam mengajar anak. Dengan kualitas guru Dan totalitas manajemen yang memiliki berbagai macam fasilitas untuk senantiasa memberikan yang terbaik bagi pendidikan anak. Tetaplah seperti ini Dan lebih lagi untuk mengayomi anak-anak kami. Terimakasih Edu Prime School.